ما حصل من قتل للأبرياء في بلجيكا وقبلها في تركيا وباريس وفي غير مكان من العالم هي جرائم نكراء تنسب لأعداء الله والإنسان ولا تنسب للأديان.
العلاّمة السيد علي الأمين
The attacks against the innocents that took place in #Belgium and before in #Turkey, #Paris and in different parts of the world, are heinous crimes against God and Human and they are assigned to the ones who committed them, but not to religions.
[ H.E Sayyed Ali El-Amine ]
The Killing of innocent people that occured in #Belgium and before in #Turkey, #Parids and in different parts of the world are heinous crimes against God and Human and are not attributable to religions.
H.E Sayyed Ali El-Amine