Lebanon, a sectarian state or a Human state? A book of H.E Sayyed Ali Al-Amin translated from arabic Published by “Litaarafou, لتعارفوا”
أكمل القراءة »Fair is the identification of the ruler (governor)
Fair is the identification of the ruler (governor) The advantage and benefit is not necessarily due to a regime described as an Islamic, and harm is not necessary produced by a regime described as Christian. Prosperity and benefit are generated by fair regimes while harm stems from injustice. Similarly the …
أكمل القراءة »The Birth of Jesus Christ, May Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him (PBBUH) And the Common teachings between Christianity and Islam
The Birth of Jesus Christ, May Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him (PBBUH) And the Common teachings between Christianity and Islam In The name of Allah the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate, and Praise be to Him. And Allah’s blessings and peace be on all Prophets and Messengers, and on …
أكمل القراءة »